Our Most Valuable Assets
Natural open space is Diamond Bar's and Chino Hill's most precious asset.
Our natural open spaces are in one of the most biodiverse, ecologically sensitive hotspots in the entire world. (Hotspot defined. See map.) Our hotspot is an area second only to tropical rain forests in both diversity of species and threat.
The natural open spaces we wish to save are part of the last remaining large, unprotected tract of natural open space left within the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. Its preservation is critical to the ecological sustainability of the region.
Our natural open spaces are part of a diverse habitat wetland, which already provides temperature regulation, cleaner air, water filtration, and emotion relief for all of us.
Once destroyed, our natural open spaces are gone forever. Natural open land is a proven way of storing and reducing carbon emissions in forests, grasslands and wetlands through natural climate solutions.
Known as the "Missing Middle," this sprawling collection of properties abuts Tonner Canyon, forming a large, unprotected wildlife corridor that provides habitat and transit, for many threatened and endangered species.
The fate of our natural open spaces is still up in the air
The reality is that if we allow our natural open spaces to be destroyed, they will be gone forever. Diamond Bar and Chino Hills have general plans in place which anticipate city growth for the next twenty years. In twenty years, with all the development going on around us, we guarantee that a city's most precious asset will be its remaining natural open spaces.
We therefore believe what's left of our natural open spaces needs to be purchased as soon as possible for conservation, and then made part of Chino Hills State Park. That's the only practical way these open spaces can be saved in perpetuity.
Doing this would preserve what's left of Diamond Bar Ranch's natural, historical landscape, and save it for future generations. It would keep our quality of life from diminishing even further, preserving our sense of "Country Living."
Commercial or residential use of this area would make our horrible area traffic even worse, among all the other disasterous consequences which would decreas our quality of life even further. There is no reasonable way to mitigate the consequences if that were to occur.
Thought exercise:
Just imagine how you would feel driving on Grand Ave between Diamond Bar and Chino Hills if the natural hillsides between our two cities had been flattened and covered with houses and commercial development? Think of all the traffic that would create.
Click here for one family's experience.